Thursday, September 11, 2014

2014-2015 Calendar of Events

Lots of exciting music being made at the Center this year!

The Robert and Carol Morris Center for 21st Century Music is excited to announce its 2014-2015 Calendar of Events.  There will be a ton of great music being made at the Center this year, with performances by the Slee Sinfonietta, Mivos String Quartet, and the Deviant Septet, among other spectacular ensembles.  In addition to exciting concerts that will delight fans of adventurous new music, our calendar features student composer workshops with visiting ensembles as well as our Visiting Lecture Series, with renowned guests such as Larry Groupé, Rand Steiger, and Daniel Asia.  The year will culminate in June in Buffalo 2015, which celebrates two anniversaries:  the 40th anniversary of the founding of the festival, and the 30th anniversary of the festival under the directorship of David Felder.  2015 also marks the second year of the June in Buffalo Performance Institute.  Finally, the Center will be co-sponsoring a number of exciting events by A Musical Feast, null point, and Music in Buffalo's Historic Places.

We're looking forward to a great year, and we hope to see you at these events!

October 7, 2014
Music of Boulez, Carter, and Wuorinen
with Ensemble Signal
Brad Lubman, Conductor

November 13-15, 2014
Performance in conjunction with Douglas Fitch's production, "How Did We…?"
Music by UB faculty, graduate composer, and others

April 14, 2015
Music of Ives, Nancarrow, Harrison, and Ruggles
Brad Lubman, conductor

June 2, 2015
Performing David Felder's Les Quatres Temps Cardinaux
Part of the 40/30 Anniversary of the June in Buffalo Festival

October 6, 2014
visiting composer

October 29, 2014
composer, UC San Diego

November 5, 2014
composer, University of Arizona

November 19-20, 2014
visiting ensemble

December 4-5, 2014
visiting ensemble

May 4, 2015
visiting performer

June 1-7, 2015
Resident Ensembles:  Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, Ensemble SIGNAL, Meridian Arts Ensemble, New York New Music Ensemble, Slee Sinfonietta, Talujon Percussion Ensemble
Special Guests:  Irvine Arditti, Heather Buck, Ethan Herschenfeld, Brad Lubman

May 29-June 7, 2015
Performance Institute Faculty:  Jonathan Golove, Eric Huebner, Tom Kolor, Jean Kopperud, Jon Nelson, Yuki Numata Resnick

Co-Sponsored Events

November 14, 2014
Performing works by Mache, Beethoven, Szymanowski, and LeFanu

March 13, 2015
Performing Words and Music by Samuel Beckett and Morton Feldman

May 8, 2015
Program TBA

Music in Buffalo's Historic Places
June 5, 2015
Kleinhans Music Hall

June 12-14, 2015
Silo City

For fifty years, the Music Department at the University at Buffalo has maintained and nurtured a commitment to creative and performing artists at the forefront of contemporary music. The Center for 21st Century Music, founded and directed by composer David Felder in 2006, is built on this legacy, featuring the internationally renowned "June in Buffalo" festival, the Slee Sinfonietta Chamber Orchestra concert series, and the Wednesday Series of performances, lecture presentations, and workshops. The Center for 21st Century Music is dedicated to the creation and production of new work upholding the highest artistic standards of excellence while simultaneously fostering a complementary atmosphere of creative investigation.

For more information, please visit